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How to increase the effectiveness of training

Almost half of our success in the gym depends on what we do before and after training. How the daily routine and a suitable nutrition system can improve your athletic performance, says Zhimba Danzanov, head physician of the Zhud-Shi Center for Oriental Medicine.

I write this post not only as a doctor, but also as an amateur athlete. I adore any physical activity and go in for sports all my life. 

During this time, I tried dozens of sports disciplines, nutrition systems, training modes - and in the end I deduced something like a formula that allows you to get the most pleasure and benefit from training.


Diet should depend on your athletic goals. But it is important to remember that for any training the body needs energy. 
And if your task is to lose weight, then you can reduce calorie intake by 15–20% optimal for losing weight only by first adding as many calories as you burn for your workout to your daily norm. 
For example, if you spend 1,500 kcal per day in a calm state and exercise an extra hour in the gym, burning another 500 kcal, then you need to eat not 1,200, but 1,600–1700 kcal per day, in order to lose weight and stay healthy. 
What you will eat at the same time is also important. Some products and their combinations give a surge of energy and strength, while from others we, on the contrary, become lethargic and tired.

So before going to the gym, it is better to abandon fatty, starchy, fried and sweet. The exception is morning workouts, before which you can afford sweet smoothies, granola and fruits, they contain a lot of carbohydrates and fructose. 
After training, the ideal option is boiled, stewed, steamed or grilled dishes with a minimum amount of ingredients. 
Fish with rice, meat or chicken with vegetables, pasta made from durum wheat, casserole (if you are gaining weight), more fiber and vegetable soups (if you are losing weight). 
But in any case, make sure that there are enough animal proteins in the diet. Active sports are poorly compatible with vegetarianism.

Main meals are best planned 2 hours before your workout and about an hour after. If you work out in the morning, try to eat something light and carbohydrate (porridge, fruit) before that, and eat breakfast tightly after. 
If you train in the evening, have dinner a couple of hours before the gym, and before going to bed, eat light vegetable soup or chicken breast.  

Daily regime

During active training, it is important to go to bed and get up at the same time and get enough sleep. An adult needs to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, and it is very advisable to fall asleep before midnight, and wake up at 7-8 in the morning. 
The fact is that the hormone melatonin, which we need for recovery, is produced in large quantities only at night, so if you lie down in the morning, the body simply does not have time to recover. 
As a result, the effectiveness of training will begin to decline, and they will bring more stress than good. 
Is it better to train in the morning or evening? Here everyone decides for himself: I think it’s better to do it at least sometime than never. Just try to end your evening workouts 2 hours before bedtime and start your morning workouts half an hour or an hour after waking up. 


It would be nice to do at least three times a week - but the load must be alternated. For example, the first day is cardio, the second is the front muscle groups, the third is the back. Training the same thing every day is not worth it. 
Another common mistake - the desire to give everything in full, to take the maximum weight, go along the track at the limit of possibilities or spend 3 hours at a time in the hall. 
In fact, the optimal training lasts only an hour and a half, in the average heart rate zone of 120-150, but it takes place actively. It is better to make 3 approaches with a small weight than one with a maximum - and then recover for 15 minutes.

Muscles after training can slightly ache for the first six months. If there is no pain, this does not mean that you are underworking. But if the pain, on the contrary, is severe, do not try to knock the wedge out with a wedge. Replace your next workout with a massage or acupuncture session and help the body recover.There will be more benefits. 
I would also advise you not to drink too much during training. If you do not run a marathon, dehydration is definitely not threatening you, but it will be easier to train your body without heavy drinking. Although at first it seems that the opposite is true. 
And most importantly - try to tune in to training and not be distracted by anything. Turn on airplane mode on your phone, get distracted from instagram and selfies, concentrate on your body, sensations, muscle work. Then the training will turn into a full-fledged meditation and not only bring maximum benefits to the body, but will also help to unload the head and relieve emotional stress. 

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