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What exercises improve vascular function?

With depletion and weakening of blood vessels, many diseases can develop, so it is necessary to strengthen them.

Thanks to a peculiar pipeline, the normalization of optimal blood circulation is ensured, which improves heat regulation and metabolic processes in the body.

Charging performance

To improve the condition of the vascular system, it is necessary to perform the following set of exercises:

1.     Sit flat on the bed. Massage the earlobes and shells of the ears for 1-2 minutes until they become reddish, which is an indicator of the flow of blood to this part of the body. You need to move clockwise. In this case, it is recommended to act carefully and gently;
2.     Massage the head with both hands, describing a circular arc. Lead time - 2 minutes;
3.     With your index fingers, massage for several minutes eyebrows, forehead, cheeks, chin and nose, moving counterclockwise;
4.     Sit comfortably while keeping your back straight. Turn your head first to the right, and then to the left for 2 minutes;
5.     Tilt your head forward, backward, right, and left. Runtime 2 minutes;
6.     Stand up straight with your legs together. Lean the body forward with your hands on the floor. You can’t bend your legs while doing the exercise. Do 2-3 minutes;
7.     Sitting on the floor, try to maximize your legs apart. With hands bent at the elbows at chest level, you need to get the floor. Do in each direction for 2-3 minutes;
8.     Squatting should be like 2 minutes.
Exercises for problems with blood vessels should be performed, gradually increasing the pace.
After exercising, it is recommended to do breathing exercises. To do this, deeply inhale and exhale for 3 minutes.

To improve blood vessels, doctors recommend running. Running should be slow. At the slightest manifestation of shortness of breath or buzzing in the ears, stop exercising to reduce the risk of developing dangerous diseases. You need to breathe while running through the nose, not the mouth.
To strengthen the vessels, you should take a contrast shower. At this point, there is a straightening and contraction of these vessels. After taking a shower, rub yourself with a bath towel.
Improves the vascular system proper rest. Doctors recommend sleeping 7-8 hours a day. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before. In this case, the vessels will be strong and healthy.

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