The pain in the
shoulder joint brings discomfort and discomfort. It may occur as a result
of a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of inflammatory diseases, or in
middle-aged people. Shoulder pain leads to a deterioration in the quality
of life and restriction of hand movements. Simple and effective exercises
will help to cope with pain.
How to remove pain in the shoulder
For the normal functioning of the shoulder joint perform the
following exercises:
We place emphasis with our hands on the wall. This
gymnastics will help strengthen the muscles of the shoulders, back, increase
endurance. To perform the exercise, the back and neck should be
straightened, with their hands resting against the wall. Then bend the
elbow joint, the spine should remain in the initial position. In this
position you need to stay five seconds. Return to the starting position.
Shrug. Exercise stretches the shoulder muscles
well. Standing, back straight. Shoulders need to lift up, shaking
them, stay in this position for five seconds. Return to the starting
position. It is recommended to repeat the exercise at least ten times.
Circular movements of the arms. Exercise helps
to restore the joints of the shoulders and eliminate pain. Feet put
shoulder width apart. They make smooth moves with their hands back and
forth, gradually accelerating their movements. Make approaches 50 times 2
times a day.
Raking Feet shoulder width apart. Make a
forward bend, arms apart. During the tilt of the back, they make movements
with their hands, as if they were raking up something. Exercise should be
repeated at least 30 times twice a day.
The reduction of the blades. A simple exercise
in which there is no special effort. Charging strengthens the muscles of
the shoulders, making them supple. It is carried out in a standing
position. The chin is pressed to the chest, reducing the shoulder blades
to each other. Detained in this position for five seconds. Perform 10
Hands behind head. Stretching the muscles of
the shoulder is carried out with excessive load. To do gymnastics, hands
are moved behind the head. Then lift them above the shoulder line. Do
exercise in the morning at least ten times.
Stretching the muscles. Exercise is done while
standing or sitting. Fingers crossed over his head. Then gradually
stretch their arms as much as possible. Repeat the exercise 30 times.
Any physical activity is good for the body. The above
simple exercises with proper execution will quickly and effectively get rid of
shoulder pain. Severe and persistent pain in the shoulder joint is a
reason to consult a specialist.