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The first cases of a new coronavirus have been identified in Russia

For the first time in Russia, two cases of coronavirus have been identified. This was told by the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, the head of the operational headquarters Tatyana Golikova.

According to the politician, two patients with coronavirus were identified in Transbaikalia and the Tyumen region, both are Chinese citizens, Interfax reports.

The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that there is no risk of the spread of coronavirus in Russia, since the patients are isolated and their contacts checked.

Vice Prime Minister said that the Russian government is looking forward to working with China to develop a vaccine against coronavirus.
In addition, the FAS and Roszdravnadzor were instructed to prevent pharmacy chains from raising prices due to infection.

The politician said that the virus can be especially dangerous for the elderly, therefore, at the first symptoms you need to see a doctor.

Tatyana Golikova said that Russia is beginning to evacuate Russian citizens from Chinese Wuhan (there are 300 people), as well as the adjacent Hubei province (341 people).
Vice Prime Minister noted that people will have the opportunity to choose whether to stay in China or return. If citizens decide to leave China, they will spend two weeks in quarantine at home.

In addition, according to the politician, Russia restricts citizens from crossing the border with Mongolia. Also, from February 1, flights with China are suspended, except for Aeroflot flights to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.

Golikova also said that the Russian government is preparing a project to temporarily suspend the issuance of work visas to Russia for Chinese citizens, TASS reports. As for the mail and freight from China, they are not planned to stop.

The first two cases of coronavirus infection in the UK also became known. A report was circulated by the United Kingdom's chief health officer, Chris Whitty. The citizens of which country they are, is not explained.

In addition, information appeared about the first case of infection in Thailand.

Earlier it was reported that in Russia there was not a single case of infection with the infection.

For the first time, the world learned about coronavirus in December 2019. The first outbreak was recorded in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Currently, there are more than nine thousand patients with coronavirus. Fatal outcome recorded in 213 cases.

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