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How to lose weight with oriental medicine

Follow the diet, but still not losing weight? Always loved healthy food, but suddenly pulled on sweets? The chief doctor of the Zhud-Shi Oriental Medicine Clinic Zhimba Danzanov explains what this may be connected with and how to break this vicious circle.

Eastern medicine believes that three elements, or three doshas: Wind, Bile and Slime (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) influence our well-being. Speaking in the language of European medicine, it is a vegetative, digestive and lymphatic system. 

If they are in balance, we are healthy and alert. But if one of them is excited and suppresses the others, then a chain of failures occurs in the body. 
Most problems with weight and nutrition, according to Tibetan doctors, are associated with the imbalance of the Slime dosha (or, more simply, the lymphatic system). 
Stagnant fluid in the tissues reduces the metabolic rate and the quality of assimilation of food. Therefore, even if you exercise regularly and are on a strict diet, weight may stop going away or even begin to grow. This happens for several reasons: 
  • Food is not digested well enough. It passes more slowly through the digestive tract, splits worse and is gradually deposited in the form of excess weight. 
  • Inhibited metabolism leads to a breakdown. There is an irresistible desire to lie in bed and do nothing. But the body needs energy, so it begins to require fast carbohydrates - and in the end we are dragged sharply on flour and sweets. In this state, you yourself don’t notice how you eat a box of chocolates under the show. 
  • Stagnant fluid often occurs amid the excitement of the Wind (i.e. the nervous system). But it is worth starting to seize up stress, as the arrow of the scale is rapidly rising, because the metabolism is slowed down. 
  • The intercellular fluid becomes viscous, and this slows the microcirculation.As a result, the lymphatic flow worsens, the water-salt balance is disturbed, the body begins to eliminate toxins worse. We get edema (not only external, but also internal, which do not visually manifest themselves), an unhealthy complexion, cellulite and a few extra pounds, which in fact are just stagnant liquid. 
We are used to thinking that the main way to fight excess weight is through diet.Like, if you eat right, then you will definitely lose weight. 

Of course, the power system is very important: you can’t eat everything and lose weight. But if the problem of excess weight is caused by an imbalance of Slime, then you need to start not with a diet. 
The first thing to do is to restore the balance of organs and systems. Otherwise, the weight will remain in place, no matter how you limit yourself. 
It is almost impossible to restore the balance yourself - it is better to consult a doctor. Clinics of oriental medicine usually prescribe a course of herbs, and in most cases this is enough. Acupuncture, warming up and massage are sometimes additionally recommended. 

After treatment, it is very important to maintain your body in balance. To do this, you need to at least play sports, establish the daily routine, nutrition system and drink enough water. Concrete tips are always individual, but I will give a few general recommendations for patients prone to stagnation and edema: 
  • Refuse pickles and pickles.
  • Exclude carbonated drinks, including mineral water - it contains a lot of salts.
  • Eliminate sweets completely, at least temporarily.
  • Remove raw dairy and sour-milk products from the diet.
  • Limit flour and eat it only before dinner.
  • Have dinner before 20:00 and only with thermally processed food. Salads and fruits for dinner are not suitable.
  • Add more spices to the menu. Ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and curry will speed up the metabolism.
  • Before each meal, try to drink a glass of warm water.
  • In no case do not take diuretics. This will make the lymph even more viscous and additionally load the already overloaded kidneys. 
  • Stretch more often. It removes the clamps, due to which the fluid stagnates, and perfectly helps against edema.
  • And the last: eat three times a day. 5-6 meals a day are not suitable for people with excess Slime.
By the way, absolutely all my patients notice that when the doshas come into balance, the body seems to enter the rut of a healthy lifestyle. 

Taste preferences are changing: I want more vegetables and proteins, less flour and sweet. There is strength and a desire to walk and go to the gym - even for those who previously did not like sports at all. 
Therefore, if you carefully listen to your body at such moments, then healthy habits will form by themselves.

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