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Why does a snack on the go do not relieve hunger?

In the modern world, we are constantly busy and doing something - we are in a hurry for business, we are completing urgent work, etc. And it’s not always possible to sit and eat normally.
Therefore, when a feeling of hunger arises, as a rule, we only have time to have a bite on the go, chewing a couple of sandwiches or a bun between things, and then drinking all this with strong and completely unprofitable coffee. And we continue to do our business further, drowning out a brief attack of hunger.

But none of us thinks at this time that such a snack is very dangerous and can cause harm to the body, because for a start, with such a diet, even the simplest hygiene rules are not observed.
In addition, the systematic use of a dry tongue leads to gastrointestinal problems, even an ulcer can develop, and quickly and poorly chewed food creates subsequently heartburn and bloating, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach appears.
And this is not all the dangers that can await a person with a snack on the go, one of the main troubles is that such nutrition does not contribute to a feeling of fullness.
What is needed to make a person feel full? Correctly, calmly and conveniently sit at the table, and carefully chewing food, slowly eat the first dish and salad, taste the hot and enjoy, if not dessert, then a delicious drink for sure.

Then satiety comes smoothly, and a man, while eating, manages to relax, switch from working fret to rest, and slightly relieve his head from pressing chores.
IMPORTANT! Only then comes the correct and lasting feeling of satiety.

What are dangerous snacks on the go?

In addition to the above consequences, a snack on the go can threaten a slowdown in metabolism, and this is a direct way to gain weight. The food that enters the body with such nutrition will be poorly absorbed, which means that the feeling of fullness will quickly disappear, but poorly split fats will certainly be postponed for a "rainy day".
In addition, as a rule, we drink the same sandwich or bun with this food using coffee or sweet soda, which is harmful not only to the stomach, but also to the nervous system.
Excessive consumption of caffeine depletes the nervous system, exhausts it. Therefore, it is not surprising that then supporters of such a diet have complaints about their well-being.
So the advantages of mono only include significant savings in free time. But is it necessary to save the ego in this way to the detriment of one's own health.

It is much more important to learn how to plan your working day in such a way as to set aside a few minutes and sit down quietly in order to take hot and wholesome food.


Try to avoid snacks, drink less coffee and strong tea, replacing them with plain clean water or at least weakly brewed green or herbal tea. Be sure to plan your affairs so that you have time for a full dinner, and then you will not feel hunger until the evening. Well, of course, it is worth remembering that our life consists in movement, so it is worth taking walks and not forget about physical exercises.

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