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Five pros and cons of a salt-free diet

The content of salt in food requires strict rationing. Sodium chloride normalizes the water-salt balance of the body, therefore, with an increase in its consumption along with food, the amount of water in the body increases.
The kidneys simply do not have time to remove salt along with water from the body and puffiness appears. What are the positive and negative aspects of the salt-free diet for weight loss.

Positive points

Normally, the amount of sodium chloride consumed in one day should be between 10 and 12 grams. In addition to salt, which we add to food, sodium chloride is also found in natural products. This amount is very much increasing.
With a decrease in the level of salt in foods, the outflow of water from the body increases and the positive aspects of the salt-free diet begin to appear:
1.     Vascular tone decreases, which in turn lowers blood pressure.
2.     The work of the kidneys is enhanced, namely, the allocation of water from the body.
3.     With a decrease in vascular tone, the heart muscle does not work with effort, the load on the muscle decreases and the work of the heart is restored.
4.     With a decrease in the amount of water in the body, weight decreases.
5.     The metabolic processes in the body are normalized.

To reduce the amount of salt consumed, you should temporarily exclude such products:
·         smoked meats, pickles, herring and preservation;
·         fried foods;
·         flour and sweet foods;
·         salted cheeses, marinades.
For a more effective action of the salt-free diet, you need to drink about two liters of pure water throughout the day.
There is a negative effect, with the exception of sodium chloride from food.

The negative sides of the salt-free diet

If the norm of sodium chloride is completely excluded from the consumed products, a decrease in the level of calcium in the bone tissue of the human skeleton begins, brittleness and fragility of bones occurs, and in addition:
1.     When salt returns to cooked foods, puffiness and pressure return again.
2.     The duration of the salt-free diet is a maximum of 21 days, three weeks, otherwise undesirable effects in the bones may appear
3.     Lack of the required amount of sodium disrupts the metabolism of amino acids in the body.
4.     With a reduced content of sodium chloride, the body's water balance slows down and is disturbed.
5.     With a lack of sodium in the body, a stroke or heart attack can occur.
If you use a salt-free diet course, you can lose from 4 to 6 kilograms. In order to avoid extremes, and in order not to cause irreversible consequences, it is necessary to develop healthy rules and habits.

The rules that should be learned when using a salt-free diet for weight loss.
1.     Gradually reduce the amount of salt used in food, the habit will be established and you will not have to do hard courses.
2.     Understand the ban on salted foods, herring, pickles, conservation.
3.     Remove spicy and salty pickles from your diet.
4.     Salt cooked food, 5-10 minutes before turning it off.
5.     Exclude harmful foods, crackers, chips, snacks from the diet.
Such rules will help you quietly get used to slightly salted food, while maintaining the necessary amount of sodium in the body. By consolidating such a habit, it will be possible to gradually reduce your weight and fix it at the desired level.

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