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5 secrets of nutrition from a dermatologist to make your skin perfect

Skin is a reflection of the internal processes of the body. Therefore, before dealing with external imperfections with numerous cosmetic products, you should understand the causes of their appearance. 

The following are expert advice on how to eat, so that the skin is clean and radiant.

Oily skin

The fatty acid composition is disrupted due to excessive consumption of oil and its heat treatment, flour products and alcohol.

To solve this problem, it is recommended to add about 100 grams of carrots, herbs or pumpkin. Vegetables contain β-carotene, and herbs also have ascorbic acid and vitamin E, which helps normalize the separation of fat.

Dry skin

Dehydration of the skin and the appearance of premature wrinkles are usually promoted by strong teas and coffee. The caffeine in their composition enhances the spasm of peripheral vessels and impedes the flow of blood and nutrients.
Alcohol is also reflected in its condition, therefore it is recommended that the owner of a skin prone to dryness consume no more than 150 ml of alcohol per week.
The basic rule in the fight against dryness is water intake of at least 30 ml per kilogram of body weight.

It is recommended to add to the diet foods rich in ascorbic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, which retain moisture in the skin, provide a normal flow of nutrients to the cells.
For example:
·         nuts
·         olives;
·         avocado;
·         flaxseed or flaxseed oil.

Important! It is better to give preference to flaxseed: flaxseed oil has strict storage requirements that might not be met during transportation and delivery to the store. Eating a spoiled product can do more harm than good. 


The provocateurs of rashes are products with a high glycemic index, called fast carbohydrates, which disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which excess sebum is released and rashes appear.
Also, when acne occurs, milk intake should be reduced. Scientists from the Harvard School of Health have proven that cow's milk contains a lot of hormones that conflict with human hormones, which can also cause inflammation.
In order to normalize the condition of the skin, it is necessary to add to the diet:
1.     Fatty fish. It relieves inflammation.
2.     Sources of vitamins that activate the protective functions of the skin; fiber, which will remove toxins: apples, vegetables, cereals.
3.     It is also recommended to limit the amount of protein consumed to 1 gram per kilogram of weight.

Swelling, low elasticity, dullness

At least one of these signs may mean that the body has too much animal protein. Experts have found that this skin reaction is associated with a change in the pH in the blood: when protein fibers are broken down, acidity changes, metabolism and the production of enzymes and hormones slow down, including those responsible for cell regeneration.

To increase the alkalinity of the environment will help
·         Soya
·         Cucumbers
·         Avocado;
·         Chicory.

Sugar intake

Excess glucose destroys collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, enhances the aging process, and is a breeding ground for bacteria. In order to have an elastic, healthy complexion, sugar intake is recommended to be minimized.
Reducing the number of used flour, sweet and fatty foods and the inclusion of useful substances in the diet will improve the condition of the skin and the whole body.

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