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5 psychological reasons that prevent you from losing weight even with a gym and diets

Very often, healthy people go in for sports, sit on strict diets, and they still can’t lose weight. The whole problem is that it is beneficial for them to be fat.
There are certain psychological barriers that prevent people from losing weight, even sitting on various diets and playing sports. We will tell you more about the reasons why a person himself does not want to lose weight.

Reason number 1 - it is beneficial to be fat!

Often people attribute a lot of their problems to being overweight. For example:
·         no happiness in personal life;
·         can't get a dream job;
·         I can’t achieve my goals.

This is quite convenient: if there are certain problems, everything can be attributed to extra pounds. And if you had a perfect figure? What then?

Would you seek a new explanation for your problems? Perhaps it's up to you? Of course, there are no people who would like to give up on themselves.
Therefore, excess weight does not go away - the subconscious of a person clings tightly to it.

Reason number 2 - you can perfectly mask your laziness

Very often, people put off their business for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or generally for the next month. And people with extra pounds often put off their plans for the next life - the life when their figure will be slim and beautiful.

Throwing everything overweight is easiest: “I really want to learn how to dance, but being overweight it will not look beautiful. That's when I lose weight, then I will learn. In the meantime, I do not need such hard training, jogging before bedtime will be enough. ”

Reason number 3 - a great way to get the attention and love of others

Each person is pleased when they love him, feel pity and take care of him. At this moment, he can feel himself the center of the universe.
But while he is on a strict diet or engaged in a cruel trainer, there will be a great opportunity for someone to complain about life.

Reason # 4 - Stress Management

During stress, many people begin to “jam” their grief, despite the diet. This is due to the fact that a person cannot recognize his own feelings.

He confuses the feeling of concern with the feeling of hunger, so he tries to calm down with a plate by the refrigerator.

Reason number 5 is a great way not to solve problems with self-esteem

If a person says that he loves his thick thighs or that chubby cheeks look beautiful, he unconsciously makes himself the intention to remain as he is.
Those who believe that the problem is genetics are also mistaken. If you think so, then you can safely continue the dynasty of “fat men” and not strain, sitting on diets and playing sports.  

Important! Obesity is not inherited, only a predisposition to it is transmitted. A person can control this process and monitor the state of his body.
Therefore, if you really decide to bring your body back to normal, first get rid of the problems and barriers that are in your head. Then boldly proceed with actions.

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