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How to quickly fall asleep? I personally checked this method on myself several times!

Sleep disturbance is quite common. Its causes can be many phenomena. Lack of sleep affects your mood and health in general, so you need to get rid of this as soon as possible. How to fall asleep in less than a minute? - learn in this article.

Personally tested method

Before you go to sleep, you need to completely relax and calm down, focus on your breathing, and then change it as follows: we start with a breath, calculate to 4 seconds, then hold the breath to 7 seconds and exhale - 8 seconds. It is very easy! After several repetitions of this procedure, you will feel impending pleasant fatigue or fall asleep immediately.
The first time I tried this method, I fell asleep in less than a minute!

How it works?

When we independently slow down our breathing, our whole body, including the heart, begins to adapt to us. You must agree, it is impossible heart palpitations during breath holding or slow exhalation and inhalation. Thus, we calm our body after a stressful situation.
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