The Hadu sports complex is gymnastic exercises that rejuvenate,
strengthen the body, and also accelerate metabolic processes and normalize the
work of the central nervous system. Proper breathing and moderate static
loads are suitable for people of any age.
Features and benefits of gymnastics
Hadu is gaining popularity due to these advantages:
complex "blitz" is performed in 18 minutes;
The exercises will suit pensioners and people who recover from
an illness;
in gymnastics weighting agents are not used, there are no jerks
and fast movements, therefore the risk of injuries is minimal.
Hudu Exercises
gymnastics is based on smooth movements and static loads. An important
role is played by deep breaths and exhalations.
Basic complex
exercises from the Hoodoo complex:
The legs are slightly bent at the knees and placed
shoulder-width apart. Tilt is made with simultaneous deflection in the
lower back. Then the shoulders unfold, with the need to represent the
barbell clamped in the hands. Inhale with the nose, exhale with the mouth. Breathing
exercises are repeated 8-12 times.
PI (starting position) is similar. Having presented a
barbell in your hands, you need to perform a chest press. Repeat - 10-12
The legs are bent, the back is rounded. It takes a deep
breath in the abdomen, while exhaling, follow the immobility of the sternum. Holding
the breath and exhaling through the mouth, abdominal muscles tighten.
Press strains, legs apart. Need to go, constantly waddling. A
series of inhalation / exhalation - every 4 steps.
Complex blitz for 18 minutes
first block of exercises, each of which must be repeated 8 times:
PI: legs apart, back straight, arms relaxed along the body. Inhaling
the air through the nose, you need to bend your knees a little, pull your hands
behind your back, and draw your belly. Return to the PI. Then -
exhalation with the mouth with the removal of the hands forward and the
Inhale on the half-ride, arms bent behind the back. Inhale
with your mouth and return to the PI, your back is rounded, your arms are
Breathe in, hands bend, palms are directed outwards. Squatting
with the back of the hands as if holding the barbell. Straightening,
rounding the back, exhaling through the mouth with stretching of the arms.
The SP is the same, but with straightened hands and the contact
of the outer sides of the palms. When squatting palms rise to the head, at
the level of the temples are unclenched. Exhale with rounding back.
The SP is the same, but straight arms are pulled out in front of
the case. Inhale, hands are pulled back and up, and legs are bent at the
knees. Exhaling, you need to slouch, hands bring forward and connect the
Hands move to the sides and upward, neck muscles are tense. On
the exhale - relaxation. Repeat 10 times.
Tension neck muscles, arms bend at the elbows and displayed in
front of the body. Turns are made to the neck. Perform 24 times.
Having breathed, you need to bend back, exhale - slouch,
yielding forward. Repeat - 24 times.
PI - chin on the shoulder. The rolling of the head from the
left shoulder to the right one takes place, and the shoulder blades are
reduced. In the opposite direction - the shoulders move forward. Run
16 times.
Straightening up, you need to strain the neck muscles, tilt the
head and shoulders back. The chin is lowered on the chest, and the
shoulders are moved forward. Repeat - 16 times.
Breathing in is done by drawing in the abdomen, exhaling is
relaxing. Exercise is repeated 8 times, then quickly for 1.5 minutes.
The stomach is pulled in, and the arms are divorced. Breath
hold, chest forward. Fading for 15 sec., Exhalation and relaxation. Repeat
three times.
The stomach retracts, the neck stiffens. Inhaling - bending
forward with a backbend and simultaneous squat. Return to the PI, rounding
the back, the head is pressed against the chest and exhalation is performed
through the mouth. Repeat - 20 times.
An exercise similar to the previous one, however, when inhaling,
the arms are divorced and raised up, while exhaling, they cross on the chest.
10. The stomach retracts, bent arms divorced. Bending left,
right. Run 16 times.
11. Hands raised to the sides are lifted. While inhaling,
squatting, bending and pulling the upper limbs behind the back. Exhale Repeat
10 times.
12. Becoming on 1 leg, you need to bring the second back and bend. The
knee should not bulge forward. Repeat 24 times.
13. Spread your legs, you need to sit down, stretch your arms and
lay on your knees. Inhaling - rounding the back, exhale - straightening. Repeat
16 times.
14. The arms are raised, a deep breath is taken through the nose. Having
exhaled, it is necessary to make an inclination, having reached palms to feet. Repeat
4 times.
Anti-aging complex
are suitable for women who are struggling with wrinkles. Facial complex:
Stretching: you need to stretch your face and protractedly,
without opening your mouth, say the sound "o".
Compression: squeeze the forehead, eyes, cheeks, etc. as much as
possible. Teeth can not be closed.
speed of the role does not play. The number of repetitions - 60-80.
Complex for sitting
people who work while sitting, the following exercises will do:
The paddles are diluted, the air is inhaled by the nose and
exhaled by the mouth.
Breathing does not change, but the hands during inhalation go to
the sides and behind the back, and on the exhale join in front of the sternum.
A similar exercise, but the hands during the inhalation go up,
when exhaled, they cross on the chest with simultaneous rounding of the back.
The arms and hands bend, then are retracted behind the back and
up during inhalation, forward - on the exhale.
Hadu makes the muscles as tense as possible, so that after exercise can be felt
very tired. Instant results should not be expected, the body will
gradually heal.