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Five anti-wrinkle exercises

Together with actress Ekaterina Dar, we show five exercises that will help make the facial contour contoured, and wrinkles less noticeable. These movements are indeed considered one of the most effective - they use the maximum number of muscles on the face. Sit back and repeat after Catherine.
You can learn about the benefits of face fitness and other effective exercises with detailed instructions that will help you look great

·         A fun, but universal exercise that quickly and effectively warms up almost the entire face with an emphasis on the eyes.
·         Open your eyes and mouth as wide as possible, then return them to a calm position. Do two sets of seven.
Power exercise
·         Wash hands before doing this exercise.
·         Put your thumbs in your mouth, as if feeling the nasolabial folds on the back side. Hold the nasolabial folds on the outside with your index fingers.
·         Use your fingers to lift the lips into a smile, then gently bring them back to normal, resisting with your hands. Do three sets of seven.
Kiss ceiling
·         Exercise tightens the skin on the neck, tightens the chin, and makes the shape of the face more delineated.
·         Raise your head, stretch your lips with a straw - as for a kiss.
·         Do two sets of seven times, then stay in the top position for seven seconds.

Forehead and lips
·         This exercise requires maximum attention and coordination. During its execution, the muscles of the forehead are involved, which people practically do not use in everyday life. Before doing this exercise, it is necessary to stretch your neck well.
·         Sharply (but do not overdo it) tilt your head back, at the same time open your mouth. Then push the lower jaw forward so that the chin muscles tighten. Take one approach (seven times), then linger with your head up for seven seconds.
Neck turns
·         Turn your head left and right, with each turn, push the jaw forward. You should feel the tension and heat.
·         Make two approaches seven times (at the same time it is considered turning the head to the right and left). Lock for seven seconds in each direction.

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