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Why Health is Important

Health refers to a person in physical terms, etc., mental and social are in good condition. Health includes two aspects: 

First, the main organs have no disease, the body shape is well developed, the body shape is uniform, and the human body system has good physiological functions, and has strong physical activity and labor ability, which is the most basic for health. The second requirement is strong resistance to disease, ability to adapt to environmental changes, various physiological stimuli and the role of pathogenic factors on the body. 

The traditional concept of health is "no disease is health", modern people's health concept is overall health, the World Health Organization puts forward that "health is not only the body without disease, but also has mental health, social adaptation and morality." 

 Therefore, the health content of modern people includes: physical healthmental health, mental health, social health, intellectual health, moral health, environmental health and so on. Health is the basic right of people. Health is the first wealth of life.

Ten standards

13 recognized symbols about health around the world:
Fresh and enterprising;
Cheerful and energetic;
Normal height and weight;
Maintain normal body temperature, pulse and respiration (body temperature 37 ° C; pulse 72 times / min; breathing baby 45 times / min, 6 years 25 times / min, 15 ~ 25 years 18 times / min, the age is slightly increased);

Strong appetite;

Bright eyes and pink eye mask;
Not easy to get sick, adequately resistant to epidemics;
Normal bowel movements;
Light red tongue, no thick tongue coating;
Healthy gums and oral mucosa;
Smooth skin is flexible and elastic, and the complexion is healthy;
Smooth shiny hair;
The nails are firm and reddish.

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