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Nutrition and Educational Achievement

Nutrition and Scholastic Achievement: - One of the most troublesome parents during the school season is this constant and usual complaint that children do not eat their food such as vacation days.

Parents must be aware of two important things to avoid such a problem:

Step 1: 

Know why children do not eat their meals.

2 - The second step: 

the relationship of healthy nutrition with educational achievement?

1 - The first step: 

the reason not to eat these meals "is that they are not appropriate meals from his point of view." 

Because when you simply ask the son why you do not eat the sandwich prepared for you, his answer will be: "I do not like." The reason may be the boredom of repeating such meals. 
Which impedes the achievement of the idea of ​​food balance, which seeks to repeatedly ... So what?!

1 - First of all, you must be aware that the foods rejected by the son in the house, will not eat, of course outside (in school) so you have to leave the freedom of choice for your son in determining the requirements of food besides helping you to eat what he loves and wants. 

2 - You should diversify in these meals: delicious sandwich, fruit, or vegetables. 

3 - The use of different types of bread, it gives a sense of innovation, with diversification in the cutting forms that suggest fun. 

4 - Do not forget the snacks for children, because they will receive them in other ways that will not be healthy at all.

5 - Encourage them to eat vegetables with attractive colors, colors here play a large role in attracting the attention of the child, where vegetables contain a huge range of vitamins, minerals and 

6 - Multiply the provision of different types of fruit and be at least five amounts of them and vegetables per day 
(for more details see food pyramid)

7. Finally, you should set an example for your children in their balanced food systems.

2 - The second step:

The relationship of proper nutrition with the achievement of the relationship is solid, and we can describe it as a direct relationship.

The more balanced and healthy the diet, the higher the student's comprehension and absorption rates, and helps him to be attentive, attentive and focused. These are the elements of academic success. 

If parents know the impact of the nutrition component on their children, they will draw up a weekly food plan that is never waived. A balanced diet consisting of three basic meals = 
breakfast, food, and dinner, as well as snacks, helps the following:

1- The ability to collect.
2. High performance.
3. Achieving psychological and social balance.
4. Increase concentration and mental processes.
5. Moderation of mood.
6. Preserving normal blood 
sugar levels.
7. Increase durability.
8. Energy supply.

There is a simple solution to this step and this time it will be indirectly away from the ways of advice and guidance. 
You can accompany your son / daughter when shopping to buy food so that they learn to choose their own food needs and know their benefits ... and know that this will cost you a lot because they will buy all kinds of foods...!

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