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What is AIDS and Solustion

AIDS is a condition caused by a virus called HIV that attacks the body's immune system, which acts as the body's protective force that attacks any infection or virus.

So when the virus attacks the immune system, the human body loses this protection, and thus can infect the body with many viruses and cancers easily.

These injuries are called opportunistic infections, because they take advantage of the vulnerability of the immune system to weakness. We cannot say that someone died of AIDS, because he died of any viruses or cancers due to the lack of immune system that protects the body as a result of HIV virus attack on the immune system.

You can always remember three things: 

- Avoiding AIDS.
- It is difficult to get AIDS.
- There are steps to avoid getting AIDS.

Who are at risk? 

Some people are vulnerable to AIDS, such as homosexuals.
AIDS is not different from a place to a place, it exists in all peoples according to race and age.
But there are different ways to fight this disease. Prevention and disease control is our only weapon so far.

How to spread virus (HIV)? 

This virus spreads through various body fluids:

blood, semen, vaginal discharge , and mother's milk.
As for saliva, tears and sweat, there is no specific evidence that the virus is spreading through them.
The HIV virus enters the human body through mucous membranes ( rectal wall, vaginal wall or inner regions of the mouth and throat) or through direct contact with contaminated blood.
This virus can not penetrate the skin, except in the case of a wound in the skin and friction with the blood of another person is contaminated.
The virus can also be spread through the air through sneezing or coughing.
Therefore there is no risk in the normal dealings between the injured person and other people.

How does HIV infection occur? 

Some people put themselves on the list of people at risk.
So what you do is make you vulnerable or not.

Behavior that puts you on the list:

- Sexual intercourse with a person who is pregnant with the virus without sufficient protection.
Protection here means without the use of a condom regardless of the method of communication or the difference in the status of male and female.
All forms of sexual contact without adequate protection lead to the spread of the virus.
Sexual contact with the person carrying the virus is the most common way to spread the disease.
- The use of needles between the infected person and another person leading to the spread of the virus, or people who take any kind of drugs through the needles can happen to them through sexual contact.
- Also blood transfusion from the means that transmit the virus, there are modern ways to detect the presence of blood infected with the virus by radiation rather than taking a sample of blood.
- The last way that you can get the virus through it is to generate it. Where the child can be infected before or after birth by the mother infected with the virus, or through breastfeeding.
The virus can not be infected by the normal relationship between individuals, such as touching, using tissue paper, telephone, or sharing a single meal.
Sharing life with AIDS sufferers does not lead to infection except in the case of sexual intercourse or the use of needles or joint injections with them.

Symptoms of infection (HIV): 

About 50% to 90% of newly infected people (HIV) feel symptoms similar to flu symptoms, enlargement of the thyroid gland or skin rash , where the body is trying to fight the virus attack it. This small health crisis can be a great opportunity to try to prevent the imbalance that then occurs in the body's immune system. 

People infected with HIV have been reluctant for years to take a treatment step. But if you think that you are infected with HIV in the first weeks of the infection, there are many reasons for you to rush to try treatment. As treatment at the beginning of the infection can change the course of the disease. 

But without treatment at first, the virus progresses very quickly in the first few months as the virus enters the body and proliferate dramatically in its cells. 

HIV reaches its highest level during the first months of the disease.
As time passes, treatment opportunities become weaker and less. Working on strengthening the immune system since the start of the disease in the first weeks can make the virus unable to get the immune system to a greater degree. 

The experience of HIV treatment is recent, and the group of patients who have undergone this trial is very small but have managed to keep the virus rate low in the body for years. But it is not known until now when the effect of treatment on the virus will remain and whether it is a treatment or gives the patient a chance to live another few years. 

But if an individual feels that he has the symptoms of HIV, he or she should seek medical advice immediately

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