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Lose the Fat - Start Cross-Training and Reveal Those Abs

Who doesn’t want a flat stomach? It is the holy grail of every man and woman who is seeking a fine physique. We’ve all heard about people, especially women, who have been doing their sit-ups and crunches religiously but still aren’t sporting a six pack. The reason is no mystery. It’s fat.

Muscle building, weight training and toning exercises are vital to anyone who wants to have that fit and trim look. 
In fact, crunches, sit-ups and working out with weights are the best ways to strengthen muscles and shape them into something you can be proud of. 
But stomach exercises and weight lifting alone won’t give you the body you desire if you don’t get rid of any excess weight.

Your muscles may be getting stronger, but without the proper amount of cardio and fat-burning exercise it will take a very long time for them to develop that chiseled look. The best way to get the body you are craving is to combine your weight training with a good cardio program. 
Known as cross-training, this is the number one way to lose weight and develop strong and attractive muscles.

Cross-training works because it addresses everything your body needs to get into top physical condition. Working out with weights, doing crunches and otherwise exercising your abs makes your muscles strong and toned, but those types of workouts do not do a great job of burning calories or diminishing excess fat.

Cardio exercises burn off the fat that those muscles have been hiding behind all those years. There are different levels of cardio, some high-impact and some low-impact, but they all use calories and burn off fat.

High-impact cardio exercises, like running, jogging, aerobics and skipping, burn a lot of calories in a relatively short amount of time. 
Lower-impact cardio routines, like walking, don’t burn as much fat, but they are easier on your body and are perfect for anyone who is just starting a new exercise program.

So if you’ve been doing your crunches and sit-ups but are still searching for your six-pack, add some cardio and your abs will bloom in no time.

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