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Laughter is the Best Medicine

The most beautiful thing about laughter is that you do not need a reason to laugh. You have to start it immediately. 
It increases the value of life and morale and makes you love everything around you and gives you a feeling of comfort and relaxation. 

It also reduces stress , violence and anger and can be said to be a preventive treatment prevents the incidence of many organic and psychological diseases.

laughing benefits:

Laughter helps the body and mind.
- Achieves happiness and psychological peace .
- Give you regeneration.
- Reduces stress.
- Limits hypertension and heart disease.
- Increase your ability to meditate and relax.
- Strengthens the immune system and the natural defenses available in the body.

- Relieves pain by increasing the level of secretion of endorphins.
- Benefit of patients with bronchitis and asthma crises by raising the proportion of oxygen in the blood entering the lung.
- Increases your ability to talk to others with elegance.
- Develops your personality and ability to drive.
- Makes you look younger.
- Develop the spirit of participation and team spirit.
- Give the person self-confidence.
- Reduces snoring because it helps to relax the larynx muscles.
- Develop a person's creative ability.
- Increases flexibility of heart vessels.
- Raise your moral spirit.
- Makes you think transparently.
- Get you out of the routine.
- Your eyes twinkle when you laugh and become more and more handsome.

- Raise your level of mental performance and your ability to keep information for as long as possible and strengthens the memory.
- Renewing energy.
- Break your conservative nature.
- Strengthens abdominal muscles .
- Balances the chemistry of stress and pressure.
- Always reminds you of the most comprehensive picture in your life, which you think and draw for your future.
- makes you regret what you missed your age and you are serious.
- Communicate with others more deeply.
- Finally strain everyone who causes you distress.

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