Change in life:
"I feel bored I do not have what motivates me to accomplish the work, I lack pleasure when doing anything ... I do not want to mix with people ... I feel very pixelated and unwilling to do anything ... I feel the pleasure when accomplished Business ... I miss the pleasure of doing anything ..."
"I feel bored I do not have what motivates me to accomplish the work, I lack pleasure when doing anything ... I do not want to mix with people ... I feel very pixelated and unwilling to do anything ... I feel the pleasure when accomplished Business ... I miss the pleasure of doing anything ..."
And other words that we hear and feel most of our
Sometimes I wonder when this feeling will last. What is the meaning of
this feeling - is it narrowness of everything that surrounds us, is it boredom
of life or is it idle - weakness of will - let down in morale - is this
condition normal or satisfactory - does it have a definite period and then it
will go away alone - or should it I do something about it.
If I want to
get rid of this feeling - what should I do?! And most importantly, what is
the reason for this feeling that comes from me? My friends - my colleagues at
work - my neighbors.
Is it a virus in the air called boredom - the narrowness,
or is it monotonous due to the daily routine that does not change?
Is the reason we reached the same person or the surrounding environment?
Let us delve into the depths of the human soul in an attempt to uncover the causes of this feeling and the influence of external changes on the self and feelings generated.
The human is already enjoying a great deal of friction in everything that changes around him: the change of mood, his condition, his positions, the atmosphere in which he lives or everything that surrounds him, so we find the wisdom of God in his creation of this changing universe that suits human nature.
God created: day and night - summer And winter - happiness and sadness.
If there is not a change in our lives and in everything that surrounds us - a
situation that can be described as a state of stability, it will naturally
result in boredom and lack of desire to live.
One of the most influential factors in the self is renewal, development, and movement. Since the beginning of the formation of man is in constant growth and permanent movement: in terms of biological development of the body - intellectual and cognitive development in search of the new to benefit from it - for example, looking at the young child is always seeking to know everything, when he starts moving in the house begins to touch things and identify And the maximum happiness when he knows something new.
It is interesting that this
characteristic remains an integral part of the individual's life at different
stages of development, so that the new always invokes in ourselves the desire
to research and sharpen our energies to move and gives us a measure of pleasure
and pleasure and the feeling that "life taste."
So the feeling of boredom - narrowness - inactivity - etc. and other various names is nothing but the product of the process of stagnation and laziness or exercise of life routinely - so there is nothing new in what we do - lose the sense of pleasure and what is new and ecstasy is out of the daily routine.
So the feeling of boredom - narrowness - inactivity - etc. and other various names is nothing but the product of the process of stagnation and laziness or exercise of life routinely - so there is nothing new in what we do - lose the sense of pleasure and what is new and ecstasy is out of the daily routine.
- In order to be able to renew the person permanently in search of overcoming
the state of idle and monotony and daily routine must be looking at himself
1 - a hobby practiced on a regular basis because it helps him to get rid of the routine of daily life does not mind being as simple as solving a crossword or exercise is at least solve a lot of puzzles or to leave everything behind him and beyond the scope of his thinking, and enable him to deal with These puzzles in a way that distanced him from the rest of the world.
2- What about an interesting conversation with a friend? It is also useful and will have the greatest impact on him to rearrange his ideas in addition to acquiring new information useful even if it is simple, especially if it is based on the participation with the friend in the fields of one interest, such as literature, economy, politics,
3 - Some other people find their pleasure in renovation through hiking, recreation or vacationing in an effort to overcome their boredom and is sometimes an appropriate solution to get rid of the routine of daily life, but if it has value and goals.
1 - a hobby practiced on a regular basis because it helps him to get rid of the routine of daily life does not mind being as simple as solving a crossword or exercise is at least solve a lot of puzzles or to leave everything behind him and beyond the scope of his thinking, and enable him to deal with These puzzles in a way that distanced him from the rest of the world.
2- What about an interesting conversation with a friend? It is also useful and will have the greatest impact on him to rearrange his ideas in addition to acquiring new information useful even if it is simple, especially if it is based on the participation with the friend in the fields of one interest, such as literature, economy, politics,
3 - Some other people find their pleasure in renovation through hiking, recreation or vacationing in an effort to overcome their boredom and is sometimes an appropriate solution to get rid of the routine of daily life, but if it has value and goals.
In the absence of motivation or the absence of such values,
a person will feel after a period of time that allocating or taking time out of
his life for this type of entertainment will feel superficial and
The best way out of this vicious cycle is to "take a positive step" or, more precisely, "to begin seriously taking a positive step towards change ."
The best way out of this vicious cycle is to "take a positive step" or, more precisely, "to begin seriously taking a positive step towards change ."
- For example:
- Start your day with the exercise of a sports activity that you like yourself, even for a half hour.
- Take a cup of tea or coffee with someone close to yourself and you have not seen it for a long time every week or two as possible and enjoy the recollection of memories.
- Enjoy a new or old movie as desired.
- Watch a football match with a group of friends.
- Read a book that provides you with new information or entertaining fun and share your friends.
- You can chat with your friends through the Internet (chat).
- Join an association that interests you.
- Find a charity activity to do.
- Entering happiness and joy over others has a profound impact on the same person.
Let us be realistic as we ask and advise him - most readers
might shout "What do we know?" But let me say that what you do not
know is that the beginning of each new is the most difficult thing.
when you start any of these tips you will feel from the beginning not to want
to continue but with perseverance and resistance to the negative spirit in us
can be a person to make a change in his life and overcome the routine and
boring lifestyle by doing what is new and changing.
Renewal and change are the most constants in our lives that
we need constantly as we need water and air... Do not spare yourselves with
experience ... it is in itself a change.