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Can You Be Fat and Fit ? Part-01

People who are overweight are often labeled as being lazy or unfit, but now it seems that conventional wisdom is being overturned as far as this particular aspect is concerned. 
What has been said recently in health circles is that we are becoming far too obsessed with being overweight and the state of our health. And that we are being slightly missed lead to some extent, by following conventional wisdom.

A report which was released by the Archives of Internal Medicine, did a comparison of people regarding potential heart health risks, and also took their weight into consideration.
When the data came back it showed that even though some people were overweight, metabolically they were quite healthy, so just because you are overweight it doesn’t mean you can’t be healthy at the same time, but we must stress a point here.

This does not mean to say that you can go out and stuff yourself with food and think to yourself I am now healthy even though I am overweight, because there is more to this as we shall see.
The study compared 5,400 people and took into consideration their actual weight and possible risk of cardiovascular disease, and it was found being metabolically healthier even though they were overweight, they had lower levels of cholesterol, their blood pressure was good and their blood glucose levels were good as well.

Interestingly they found that even thin people which they said was about one in four, who were said to have a healthy weight, were typically found to have two risk factors which can be associated with heart disease (cardiovascular). 
As we all well know there are lots of health factors, which are related with being overweight or obese, such as diabetes, short-term mortality.

And now even as the latest research shows that these people are far more likely to have some sort of health problem which will be related to their heart whether it be high cholesterol and or blood pressure, but the researchers were quite surprised when doing their research of the amount of obese and overweight people who in fact to quote in their words were metabolically healthy.

“We use ‘overweight’ almost indiscriminately sometimes,” said Mary Fran Sowers, a co-author of the study and professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan . “But there is lots of individual variation within that, and we need to be cognizant of that as we think about what our health messages should be.”

This was followed by a report that came out last autumn that stated people who are overweight can actually have longer lives than their normal weight counterparts. 
This actual report created quite a lot of controversy amongst the health fraternity claiming it was very inaccurate what the data presented. 
Saying it hid the fact that people whom are over weight or obese are at a far more higher risk of suffering from a heart related health problem than people who are thin. The people who criticized it said it didn’t correlate with what the mortality statistics said.

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